More Islam lessons from our driver. We think he was trying to convert John. He kept saying that it would take only a few words and John could be a Muslim-he could go to Mecca.. He didn't seem to be too concerned about getting John's other half converted...just a woman. Other insights: For the Muslims, birth control is OK, abortion (prior to movement- when the soul enters the body), divorce and smoking are all OK. Not OK is drinking, not believing in Allah and sex outside marriage.
We drove back to Amman with time to see the Roman amphitheater, the Citadel (where David arranged for death of Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah the Hittite) and the Archeological Museum. (Our driver always made sure he prayed the requisite 5 times/day.)
Our wonderful driver drove all over Amman searching for a Latefeh el-toniseih CD. He settled for a tape copy and bought it for us. He explained that one song takes about an hour—1 concert is about 2 songs. It certainly explained our ferry ride from Nuweiba to Aqaba with the televised concert. We thought that the music was just repetitive - it didn’t just sound like one song… it was one song for the entire hour.
The tape Sali bought us translated to “Far away from you, my life is miserable when I am far away from you…”