Thursday, February 18, 1999


A late morning drive to Madurai (“Mad Madurai”). Staying at the Hotel Madurai Ashok. No A/C- but a great ceiling fan. We walked to the Pandyan for lunch—had a sampling of both Southern and Northern Thalii. Cold beers and great food. Then it was on to “Web World”…. about 6 carrels with PC’s and a line of folks waiting to get on the Net. We got messages from Mom, Martini and Steph…it’s so good to hear news from home.

Our tour- in auto rickshaws- took us to the Sri Meenakshi Temple and the Tirumalaimayak Palace- a strange blend of Turkish and Hindu architecture, rather squat and unattractive- not a good mix.

After the temple, we got back into our rickshaw for the theme park ride of our lives through the sides streets of Mad-urai—cows and dogs and ox carts and people and cars…all flowing in some insane manner. Drinks on the roof top terrace at the Superior Hotel—a bit of group escape (they were back at the “Shopping Emporium”…. more carpet demonstrations.) The beer in India packs quite a punch. Dinner with the group was good- more veggie and more beers. We bowed out of the nighttime temple service and grabbed an auto-rickshaw home.

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